Tiptop Audio Model 266t


Eurorack Module
Source Of Uncertainty – multi-channel source for analogue random voltages
2 Channels for fluctuating random control voltages, each with adjustable rate (0.05Hz – 50Hz) and CV input
1 Channel for quantised random control voltages (number of states selectable via controller and CV input) with trigger input and two outputs with different statistical distribution of the random values
1 Channel for random control voltages with trigger input and 2 outputs for uniform statistical distribution and adjustable distribution of amplitude frequency (distribution of low, medium and high voltage values controllable via controller and CV input)
Adjustable integrator / slew limiter with CV input
Sample & Hold section with four alternating outputs for the trigger and CV signals
Noise generator with three outputs (pink, white and blue noise)
Current consumption: 150 mA (+12 V) / 100 mA (-12 V)
Width: 24 U
Depth: 25 mm

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Tiptop Audio